Edna Wood Ebano MT 4204 B

Regular price: 108,00 €

Web price: 86,40 €/m2

Quality: 1. class / Made in EU

Producer: Vidrepur Glass Mosaic

Size: 31,5x31,5

Color: Brown

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With size of the grid 31,5×31,5 cm to which this mosaic is attached, this mosaic is appropriate for different surfaces. This year brown mosaic tiles are very popular. Thickness of 5 mm makes this mosaic very resistant and luxurious when touched. This mosaic tile was made by producer Vidrepur, who comes from Spain. Instead of 108 EUR, which you would have to pay for this mosaic in regular store, you will pay only 86,4 EUR in our online store.

Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EU
Glass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 mm