Mosavit mosaic tiles Vintage Rock Rayas

Regular price: 110,25 €

Web price: 88,20 €/m2

Quality: 1. class / Made in EU

Producer: Mosavit

Size: 31,6x31,6

Color: Blue, Violet

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You cannot miss by choosing mosaic in blue dominant color. Dimensions of the grid to which is this mosaic attached are 31,6×31,6 cm. Grid makes installing of this mosaic easier. Vintage Rock Rayas is tile from Mosavit Mosaico and comes from Spain. In regular store you would have to pay 110,25 EUR for this mosaic, while web price is only 88,2 EUR. Tile thickness is very important and 5 mm makes this mosaic top quality.

Technical description:

Min. 1 box – Delivery 30 Euro/box in EU